Painting their paths: Two women’s inspiring journey in art

Yahuza Bawage
7 Min Read


It was a sweltering Wednesday in February, and Salome Lenshie was absorbed in her new gig of painting a room and bathroom. Painting was never among her interests, until 2019 when she successfully painted her room all by herself. Lenshie had tried to hire a painter for the design, but the painter’s fee was rather expensive, prompting her into doing the work herself.

“I turned to YouTube, searching for tutorials on room painting. Satisfied with the practical steps, I went ahead and bought paint and tools, and decorated my room with a beautiful design,” Lenshie recalls.

Outside the Taraba State University Campus, under the blazing heat, Ediseh Daniel hopped onto a tricycle headed for Mile-Six, where she would join her boss to complete a painting project the duo began the day before.

Unlike Lenshie, Daniel’s interest in art took off after a 2018 adventure trip to Bauchi, where she learned the art of making calabashes for traditional festivals and weddings.

“I learned how to craft and decorate these beautiful calabashes. Here in northern Nigeria, they are adorned with beautiful painting designs to serve as decorations during ceremonies,” Daniel said.

However, Daniel wouldn’t practice her new craft until 2022, after a chance encounter with a friend who specialised in painting and wall design. Encouraged to pursue the craft, Daniel became an apprentice under her friend’s wings, launching her journey into the vibrant world of artistic design.

Facing barriers

Lenshie’s and Daniel’s love for art design has met with discrimination, often facing dismissive comments from their communities that perceive their work as a man’s job.

“I have been confronting discrimination from people advising me to go and do domestic chores instead of painting,” Lenshie said.

Daniel noted, “Once at the site, people will stop and look at me. They will be saying that as a woman, I shouldn’t fit into this kind of work.”

Also, the physical demands of the work prove to be challenging. Lifting heavy materials, working long hours under harsh conditions are part of the realities Lenshie and Daniel face each day. 

Struggling with lifting heavy materials at the work side is challenging for me,” Daniel added.

But the problem is made worse because there aren’t enough facilities and equipment to include everyone. Tools made for the average man can be difficult or unsafe for women, making it harder for them to work efficiently and safely.

Supportive networks 

When Lenshie initially shared with her friends that she painted her room, many of them took her claim with a pinch of salt. But as her parents and siblings recognized the craft as one that broke gender stereotypes, they gave their blessings.

“Their support was unwavering. In fact, they even connected me with my first paid gig, which was an opportunity to paint a client’s room for N8,000,” Lenshie explained.

On the other hand, Daniel quietly honed her painting skills on the sly for over a month. One evening, after a challenging day at work, she convinced her boss to capture pictures that she later shared on her Facebook page. 

There were amazing reactions. Some of my Facebook friends supported it. While some felt as a female, I shouldn’t be doing it, but I choose to focus on the positive vibes, paying their words no attention,” Daniel shared.

From a hijabi mechanic in Abuja to a barber wielding her clippers in Kwara, and a young disc jockey finding her rhythm in Taraba, all across Nigeria – Lenshie and Daniel’s stories are hardly isolated cases of African women defying societal expectations and carving their paths to success in fields traditionally dominated by men.

A gender equality advocate, Aisha Dahiru, emphasizes the immense potential that lies in allowing individuals to pursue their passions and talents regardless of their gender. 

“I always admire the resilience of women challenging the harmful stereotypes that often push them out of male-dominated professions. There is a need for supportive networks, both personal and professional, that will encourage and empower women to thrive in these fields,” Dahiru highlighted.

Going forward 

Despite juggling a career alongside wedding decorations, hairstyling, and filmmaking, Lenshie remains committed to delivering exceptional designs that meet her clients’ desires.

As an undergraduate student pursuing a degree in biotechnology at Taraba State University, Daniel struggles to balance her work with academics, poised to excel nevertheless. 

Currently, Lenshie mentors three young individuals, including friends and siblings, yet she is nurturing a simple dream.

“I dreamed of having a paint and design company that is fully equipped with modern machinery, so I could recruit more young people into the industry,” Lenshie stated.

Daniel, on the other hand, envisions honing her skills to a higher level. “I expect to witness more progress in my craft and opportunities that will allow me to implement big painting and wall design projects,” she stated.

Today, Lenshie and Daniel hope to inspire young females across the Sub-Saharan continent, encouraging them to challenge social norms and shatter gender stereotypes, one step at a time.


This story was produced for the African Change Narrative Storytellers Fellowship with support from the Africa Foundation for Young Media Professionals and Africa No Filter.

Salome Lenshie and Ediseh Daniel are two women breaking gender stereotypes in Nigeria through their passion for painting and artistic design. Lenshie discovered her interest in 2019 when she painted her own room after finding the painter’s fee too high. She learned through YouTube tutorials and has since taken on paid gigs, supported by her family. Daniel’s journey began with crafting calabashes in 2018, but she delved into painting and wall design seriously after becoming an apprentice in 2022.

Both women face significant challenges, including discrimination and the physical demands of the job—often exacerbated by tools designed for men. Despite these obstacles, they have found supportive networks. Lenshie's family and Daniel's social media followers have encouraged their pursuits.

Lenshie dreams of starting a fully equipped paint and design company to mentor more young people. Daniel aims to further develop her skills and tackle larger projects. Their stories reflect a broader movement of women in Nigeria defying societal expectations, championed by advocates like Aisha Dahiru, who call for supportive networks to empower women in male-dominated fields.

Ultimately, Lenshie and Daniel hope to inspire other young females across Africa to challenge and change traditional gender roles.

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