Nigerians voice dissatisfaction with lawmakers’ spending amid poverty struggle

Peace Oladipo
4 Min Read


Following the news of senators acquiring Sport Utility Vehicles or SUVs, Nigerians have expressed their outrage, criticizing the lawmakers for their apparent insensitivity during this challenging economic period.

Earlier, Sunday Karimi, the representative of Kogi West Senatorial District in the 10th National Assembly, defended the lawmaker’s decision during his live appearance on Channels Television’s Politics Today program.

“Today, we decided on Toyota because Toyota has a name and a longstanding name for quality and durability..need the vehicles for oversights, to travel all over our constituencies.”

In the interview, Karimi also said,” If you look at Nigerian roads all over the Federation, we have a serious problem because nothing much has been done in the last years. Most of our roads are bad,”

Numerous Nigerians have voiced their dissatisfaction with the legislators’ apparent disregard for the concerns of the average citizen. Some have suggested that the purchased vehicles should be of Nigerian origin to ensure the circulation of funds within the country’s economy.

Journalist and good governance advocate, Friday Omosola, emphasized that the funds could be utilized for public welfare, fostering a positive perception of the government.

In this economic situation coupled with their salary and allowance, it’s evilness from the highest others— because that money can be channelled into something else that will benefit the masses that voted them into power.” 

Cost of living is killing the living

Established on 2023 data, the World Poverty Clock has revealed that 71 million Nigerians are living in extreme poverty.

While the nation’s cost of living has significantly risen as a result of various policies implemented by the current government,  public officials have not taken steps to reduce their spending

According to Baba Machina, a political scientist, the behaviour of the lawmakers suggests that financial gains outweigh the importance of sacrifice and service to the people.

“Most of the politicians are not here to serve but because of the monetary aspect of politics. I can assure you that if you remove the monetary aspect of politics, people will not contest for various political offices in the country. This is because we don’t have a clear ideology of how we operate politics, “he said.

Machina insisted that the politicians are not there to improve the quality of life of the people. “Nigerian politicians have no clear ideology, that is why we move from one political party or the other. Whenever it is election season, they spend millions because they know that when they assume the office or leadership of that state, they will recover the money”. 

“Regarding the SUVs, The senators getting SUVs at this time tell us how inconsiderate and insensitive our politicians are. They are the people, expected to ensure we have the best road network.”

Machina emphasized that the senators’ defence was wrong, as ensuring a robust road network falls within their purview. “Many of them even hardly visit the constituencies. The people they are representing are suffering and they are buying cars, something is wrong. Do they even think of the average Nigerian person?”

Following the procurement of Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs) by senators, Nigerians have criticized the lawmakers for their insensitivity during a tough economic period. Sunday Karimi, representing Kogi West Senatorial District, defended the decision, citing the quality and durability of Toyota vehicles needed for oversight duties. He highlighted that Nigerian roads are in poor condition.

Critics argue the funds could have been used for public welfare and that opting for Nigerian-made vehicles would support the local economy. Journalist Friday Omosola and political scientist Baba Machina condemned the move, emphasizing that the funds should benefit the masses.

The World Poverty Clock reports that 71 million Nigerians live in extreme poverty, and the cost of living has risen significantly without a corresponding reduction in public officials' spending. Machina highlighted that monetary gain drives many politicians, who often lack a clear ideology and commitment to public service.

Machina criticized the senators' decision to purchase SUVs, stressing their responsibility to ensure a robust road network and questioning whether politicians genuinely consider the average Nigerian's plight.

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