Prime Woman Hangout 2

From uncertain beginnings to governor’s photographer: A young lady’s inspiring journey

Peace Oladipo
6 Min Read


Like many graduates fresh out of university, Motunrayo Oyedele was overcome with uncertainty over a choice of career after she completed studies at Federal University, Oye-Ekiti. Initially drawn to fashion design, she saw an industry that was marred with even more uncertainty. The fashion space was riddled with too many unexpected twists and turns that shaped her path in unexpected ways.

In the days of her early beginning, Oyedele thought back to her undergraduate days, when she was the favorite photographer of her friends. As she reminisced about the good old days, a friend’s advice to learn photography struck her. 

It was as if that was exactly what I had been looking for my entire life,” Oyedele said. 

Later in 2021, she made a decision to master the craft in 5 months, under the wings of Foaly Photography, before she commenced her master’s degree at the University of Ibadan. 

Upon relocating to the ancient city of Ibadan, Oyedele collaborated with friends who owned photo studios in order to win the trust of her growing clientele. 

 “So, I initially offered free shoots to five individuals. I formally wrote to them, expressing my interest in taking their portraits, and assured them there would be no charge.”

Oyedele recalls not owning a camera at the start until a year later, when a friend gifted her one. “ It was an unexpected and generous gesture that truly amazed me. Getting that camera was a significant moment for me, coming about a year after I had joined photography.” Oyedele said. “Eventually, I assumed the role of head photographer in my church, a position I thoroughly enjoyed.”

Edu Minds Africa

Before completing her master’s degree in public health, Motun was motivated to start a non-governmental organization in March 2023.

In Oyedele’s words, “Edu Minds Africa is a non-governmental organization that promotes quality education in underserved rural communities. I have always had a passion for education. Being in the educational space prompted me to start this NGO.”

Her NGO primarily provides learning materials to support children in low-income communities while advancing the education of secondary-school leavers. Oyedele, who believes in combining informal skills with formal education, has sponsored over a thousand children through Edu Minds Africa. 

Through her initiative, Oyedele hopes to counteract the rise of out-of-school children in Nigeria. “In years, our goal is to establish a large, tuition-free school in underserved rural communities. This school will cater to children who lack access to education and have little hope of attending school otherwise. We aim to provide everything they need, including school fees, uniforms, and textbooks, free of charge. 

“Our mission is to positively impact the lives of African children whose parents cannot afford to send them to school. This initiative will not be limited to one location but will extend across multiple states, ensuring that children whose families lack the means to support their education have the opportunity to learn and thrive,” Oyedele said. 

Oyedele maintains that establishing her foundation brought a new perspective to her photography.

“I felt disconnected just taking pictures of people coming into the studio, so I decided to make a change. I expressed to those around me my decision to stop focusing on portrait and wedding photography and instead switch to documentary photography but many discouraged me.”

This shift in style has cramped funding for her photography, Oyedele admits. “However, funding for this new endeavor was a challenge. I recall a specific instance where I travelled to Kwara State to document a festival. I had to cover expenses such as transportation, accommodation, and equipment rental out of my pocket. I even had to rent a camera for two days since mine wasn’t suitable for the assignment.”

In search of her niche, she stumbled on the idea of documenting the images of young children, an idea that flowered into Edu Mind Africa.

Photo credit: Motunrayo Oyedele
Photo credit: Motunrayo Oyedele

Becoming the governor’s photographer.

During her stint as the head of photography in her local church, Oyedele also doubled as the personal photographer of her pastor, a well-known preacher. Together with her NGO duties, this role honed her skills in documentary photography, she recalls. 

Following the death of the erstwhile governor of Ondo, Rotimi  Akeredolu, in December 2023, Lucky Ayedatiwa promptly stepped in as governor. Oyedele was selected among the slew of assistants to the new governor.

“I am as surprised as everyone else, even myself. It’s truly a testament to God’s grace. What stood out for me in this situation was the power of relationships and the gift of men. I was simply at home when I received a call asking if I had any interest in photographing the state’s acting governor,” Oyedele said, who now serves as the special assistant to the governor on photography.

Although she felt anxious about her new environment, Oyedele has become acquainted with the system and people. “I’m doing fine now. My mentor, Yemi Kings, and great female photographers like Ty Bello and Tolani Alli inspire me to do more and better,” she said. 

After graduating from Federal University, Oye-Ekiti, Motunrayo Oyedele faced career uncertainties. Initially interested in fashion design, she found herself wandering into photography, a hobby from her undergraduate days. In 2021, Oyedele trained under Foaly Photography and later collaborated with friends to gain a clientele in Ibadan. Through persistence, she eventually acquired her own camera and became the head photographer at her church.

Motivated by a passion for education, Oyedele founded Edu Minds Africa in March 2023. This NGO aims to enhance education in underserved communities by providing learning materials and sponsoring children. The organization's goal includes establishing a tuition-free school for children lacking access to education.

Oyedele's photography focus shifted towards documentary work despite funding challenges. Her commitment to this style led her to document festivals and later inspired her NGO. Her work gained recognition, and in December 2023, she became the special assistant to the new governor of Ondo on photography.

Despite initial anxieties, Oyedele adapted well to her new role, drawing inspiration from mentors and accomplished female photographers.

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