Prime Woman Hangout 2

Nigerian actor opens up about near-suicide experience

Patrick Obia
3 Min Read


Ayoola Ayoola, a prominent Nigerian movie actor, has revealed his harrowing experience and near-suicidal thoughts upon discovering he was to become a father unexpectedly.

The actor confessed that the news of impending fatherhood, coupled with the realization of being unprepared for the responsibility, triggered overwhelming emotions and plunged him into a state of despair.

“In that moment, a lot crossed my mind. I wasn’t ready to care for a child conceived outside of wedlock. As a pastor’s son, I felt immense disappointment for letting my father down, and I dreaded the societal scrutiny that would inevitably follow,” Ayoola shared in a candid conversation with Chude Jideonwo.

Ayoola, known for his role in the popular YouTube series ‘Skinny Girl in Transit,’ recounted contemplating drastic measures to evade fatherhood, including contemplating suicide. He likened his despair to that of Kenneth Ugochukwu, an ex-corps member who similarly felt his life was in ruins.

The actor’s revelation sheds light on the gravity of mental health challenges faced by individuals grappling with unexpected life events. According to the World Health Organization, over 700,000 people take their lives annually, with Nigeria recording an age-standardized suicide rate of 6.9 per 100,000 population in 2019, predominantly among males.

However, Ayoola’s narrative took a poignant turn when, while standing on a busy roadside contemplating ending his life, he had a sobering realization. He questioned whether abandoning his responsibilities and leaving the child fatherless was the right course of action.

“The fear of facing eternal damnation deterred me. I couldn’t bear the thought of condemning my soul to hell. It made me pause and reconsider,” Ayoola reflected.

In a stroke of fate, as Ayoola stood on the roadside, a passing vehicle brushed against him, jolting him out of his despair. Struck by the potential consequences of his actions, Ayoola realized the profound impact his decision could have on his unborn child’s life.

Looking back, Ayoola acknowledges the blessing he nearly missed and the irreparable damage his actions could have caused. His story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of seeking support and confronting challenges with resilience, even in the face of overwhelming despair.

Ayoola Ayoola, a well-known Nigerian actor, shared his distressing experience of discovering he was to become a father unexpectedly. This unforeseen news led him to contemplate suicide due to the feeling of unpreparedness and societal pressure, intensified by his identity as a pastor's son.

He revealed these emotions during a conversation with Chude Jideonwo, explaining how the weight of responsibility and fear of societal judgement pushed him to consider drastic actions akin to what Kenneth Ugochukwu, an ex-corps member, experienced.

Ayoola’s story highlights the severe mental health challenges individuals face during unexpected life changes. He recounted a moment of clarity when a roadside incident made him realize the gravity of leaving his child fatherless, leading him to reconsider his actions.

Reflecting on his near-suicidal thoughts, Ayoola emphasized the importance of seeking support and resilience when confronting overwhelming challenges, marking his realization as a turning point to avoid irreparable damage to his life and his child's future.

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